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also vict·ual·ler  (vĭt′l-ər)
1. A supplier of victuals; a sutler.
2. Chiefly British An innkeeper.
3. Nautical A supply ship.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈvɪtələ; ˈvɪtlə)
1. a supplier of victuals, as to an army; sutler
2. Brit a licensed purveyor of spirits; innkeeper
3. (Nautical Terms) a supply ship, esp one carrying foodstuffs
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.victualler - an innkeeper (especially British)victualler - an innkeeper (especially British)  
Britain, Great Britain, U.K., UK, United Kingdom, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most of the British Isles; divided into England and Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland; `Great Britain' is often used loosely to refer to the United Kingdom
innkeeper, boniface, host - the owner or manager of an inn
2.victualler - a supplier of victuals or supplies to an army
provider, supplier - someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
She considered herself to be of French descent, which might have been true; and after a good many years of married life with a licensed victualler of the more common sort, she provided for the years of widowhood by letting furnished apartments for gentlemen near Vauxhall Bridge Road in a square once of some splendour and still included in the district of Belgravia.
Now, the bad child having been strictly charged by his parent to remain at home in her absence, of course went out; and, being in the very last stage of mental decrepitude, went out with two objects; firstly, to establish a claim he conceived himself to have upon any licensed victualler living, to be supplied with threepennyworth of rum for nothing; and secondly, to bestow some maudlin remorse on Mr Eugene Wrayburn, and see what profit came of it.
As we do not disdain to borrow wit or wisdom from any man who is capable of lending us either, we have condescended to take a hint from these honest victuallers, and shall prefix not only a general bill of fare to our whole entertainment, but shall likewise give the reader particular bills to every course which is to be served up in this and the ensuing volumes.
Now, Mrs Varden, regarding the Maypole as a sort of human mantrap, or decoy for husbands; viewing its proprietor, and all who aided and abetted him, in the light of so many poachers among Christian men; and believing, moreover, that the publicans coupled with sinners in Holy Writ were veritable licensed victuallers; was far from being favourably disposed towards her visitor.
Packs include two choice breast fillets of wood pigeon, pheasant or partridge (PS6.50 RRP) and are exclusively available from The Country Victualler, the traditional butchery located in the Engine Yard at Belvoir, the estate's PS2.5 million artisan shopping village.
By Wrightson's Directory of 1815, Freeman Street continued to be a centre of small-scale businesses but now one of them was that of James Grove, who was a victualler and maltster.
Grove was mentioned again in Wrightson's Directory for 1823; then, six years later a James Burton was given as a victualler in the street.
The Brookfield Board of Selectmen's fees are as follows: Common Victualler, $50; Class I, II and III Auto, $100; Entertainment, $150; Club Alcohol Liquor License, $100; Package Store Liquor License, $600; All Alcohol/Restaurant Liquor License, $900.
A licensed victualler and butcher, he served regulars and travellers until 1857 when he passed away, handing over the reigns of the business to his son, also called John, who passed away in 1897.
Chief Inspector Holbrook said this card bore the name of James Hargraves, licensed victualler, Swan Inn, Retford, but it was evident that the name of the owner had been erased and James Hargraves substituted.