P. G. Wodehouse

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Noun1.P. G. Wodehouse - English writer known for his humorous novels and stories (1881-1975)
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References in periodicals archive ?
It is this fact that made me read over again the 'Life at Blandings' by P. G. Wodehouse.
"Summer Moonshine" is a P. G. Wodehouse classic British comedy brought vividly to life in a true 'theatre of the mind' experience by the expert narrative skills of Jonathan Cecil.
From P. G. Wodehouse's first letter published in 1899 at age seventeen to the last, written (days before his death) in February 1975, Sophie Ratcliffe's splendid editing presents Wodehouse's life in his own words.
It will be no surprise to anyone who reads these offerings of mine that I am an admirer of P. G. Wodehouse. I am indebted to my brother who introduced me to Wodehouse when he brought along a Jeeves omnibus for us to read aloud as we drove from Victoria, BC to Toronto (the passenger did the reading--just to be clear).