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without a curtain or curtains
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.curtainless - not provided with curtainscurtainless - not provided with curtains; "blank, curtainless windows stared back at her"
curtained - furnished or concealed with curtains or draperies; "a curtained alcove"
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The curtainless windows were blank and empty, no smoke ascended from the chimney.
The sunset light streamed in through the curtainless windows.
Then I rose up on my curtainless bed, trembling and quivering; and then the still, dark night witnessed the convulsion of despair, and heard the burst of passion.
He pointed into the second garret, only differing from the first in being more naked about the walls, and having a large, low, curtainless bed, with an indigo-coloured quilt, at one end.
The windows were curtainless, and the yellow moonlight, flooding in through the diamond panes, enabled one to see even colours, whilst it softened the wealth of dust which lay over all and disguised in some measure the ravages of time and moth.
Adam reached it in a quarter of an hour after leaving the Hall Farm; and when he had his hand on the door-latch, he could see, through the curtainless window, that there were eight or nine heads bending over the desks, lighted by thin dips.
With the fuel efficiency that Lifetime viewers expect, Joe wastes little time invading Beck's privacy -- her social-network settings are as wide open as the curtainless windows of her first-floor apartment.
The women make themselves constantly visible by sitting in a drawing room with curtainless windows.
stove, the curtainless sill staring down the fire station's frayed
Then there's the openness, the curtainless entrance--I want to think with the curatorial team about how we can play with that more.
Passers-by got an eyeful when 19-year-old Jordan Cane foolishly decided to strut his stuff while starkers in front of a curtainless window at his East Cleveland home.