currency note

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currency note

(Banking & Finance) another name for treasury note
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currency note

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References in classic literature ?
There were Babus to whom Lurgan Sahib talked with austerity and authority, but at the end of each interview he gave them money in coined silver and currency notes. There were occasional gatherings of long-coated theatrical natives who discussed metaphysics in English and Bengali, to Mr Lurgan's great edification.
According to the statement of Sajid Khan, an employee of the said shop, the fake currency note was given to him by an unidentified person during Eid shopping.
New Delh: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will soon introduce a new Rs20 currency note with additional features, according to a document of the central bank.
The move came after Home Minister P Chidambaram vowed to stamp down heavily on those who carry fake Indian currency note and indulge in smuggling of drugs from across the border.
Imran Aslam, who received a fake currency note, said, 'It is very difficult for ordinary citizens to differentiate between genuine and the counterfeit notes.' He added, 'I don't know how and when I received the note.'
Dimensions and composition of One Rupee Currency Note as indicated in the Notification No G.S.R.
"Two fake currency note cases are registered against Parmar in Bharat Nagar and Amreli Rural police stations.
He said half of the each currency note was damaged, and demanded of the government to help him replace the notes as the numbers were still visible on them.
The SBP also launched videos to create awareness about currency note features among the masses, but unfortunately those videos are useless for the visually-challenged as the details and the videos are all for sighted people.
To create awareness about currency note features among the masses, SBP provided complete details on its website (available at
(0.8%) isolated from a currency note collected from a Ward boy (Table-I).