Cumulative poison

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a poison the action of which is cumulative.

See also: Cumulative

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Strychnine is, in a certain sense, a cumulative poison, but it would be quite impossible for it to result in sudden death in this way.
Methyl bromide is a dangerous cumulative poison. First symptoms are due to damage to the nervous system, and may be delayed from 48 hours to as long as several months after exposure.
Calonzo was selected by an international jury from confidential nominations for spearheading a fruitful advocacy campaign banning the production, sale, and use of paints containing lead, a cumulative poison targeting the brain and the central nervous system.
A Sherwin-Williams publication from 1900, for example, called white lead "a deadly cumulative poison." In a 1955 letter, the Lead Industries Association's director of health and safety described childhood lead poisoning as a "major headache" and "mainly a slum problem." (The paint companies say they learned about the health hazards of lead paint at the same time as the public.)
If you mistakenly adopt a board member not aligned with your corporate vision, and if they are unfamiliar with your company from the inside, they can become a cumulative poison to the organization.
Cadmium is a potentially long-term cumulative poison. Toxic cadmium compounds accumulate in the human body especially in the kidneys.
Mercury is highly toxic, cumulative poison with the ability to accumulate in a human body.
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