culture clash

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culture clash

a conflict arising from the interaction of people with different cultural values
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There may also have been a culture clash. Cuba expects its doctors to work in remote areas in basic conditions.
CULTURE clash Britain was laid bare in The Foreign Doctors Are Coming.
Culture clash emerged between American and German leadership within months of the agreement being finalized.
It strictly boils down to the culture clash. If you don't have that, if you have the same culture, you're on the same avenue or the same path, you have the same thought and philosophy of how to run a business and what you're going after, then it can make sense and it makes sense.
029 2030 4400 MUSIC Don Letts' Culture Clash Radio Don established his reputation as a DJ at the London punk rock venue Roxy Club back in 1977 and now presents a weekly radio show 'Culture Clash Radio' exploring the music that has influenced him over the years.
Classic culture clash comedy, starring Paul Hogan as a poacher from the Aussie Outback who is brought to New York by a sexy journalist (Linda Kozlowski).
Tickets cost PS44 and are available at Downton Abbey culture clash IMPRESSIONIST and star of YouTube hit Downstairs At Downton, writer and performer Luke Kempner, will be bringing his smash-hit, sell-out, tour-de-force impressions comedy based on BBC's Downton Abbey to the Unity Theatre in Liverpool on Wednesday, January 21 at 8pm.
The Red Bull Culture Clash is taking place at Boxxed in Floodgate Street in Birmingham on October 10.
If so, what is Israel's role in this culture clash? An examination of the religious aspect of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
2 States was meant to be a comedy about what happens to romance when familial culture clash comes in the way.
LOS ANGELES, DENVER, and NEW YORK CITY: With Culture Clash, the Chicano comedy trio he co-founded 30 years ago, Ric Salinas has played roles of nearly every ethnicity, Latino and otherwise.
23 and, said writer Kieron Gillen, the five-part story drawn by Luke Ross, melds a culture clash pitting magic, modern technology and fairy-inspired legend and lore.

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