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(in Britain) abbreviation for
(Military) community support officer
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The CSO must also provide proof that it has undergone social preparation from the DSWD by the designated regional program/project officer of the DSWD program or project where the CSO seeks to engage partnership.
Approximately 10 mL of CSO was poured in conical flask, added 10 mL acetone and 3 drops of bromophenol indicator.
Through the early 1990s, most of the private lands in the Sierra Nevada, California, had not been inventoried for California Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis, CSOs); thus, little information was available on CSO presence, occurrence, or abundance on these lands (Verner and others 1992).
According to the latest report of the audit office, until the end of last year, sports clubs, associations and federations owed more than e1/43.2m to the CSO mainly in usage rights and other expenses of the organisation's own sports facilities.
The CSO, which was accused by economist Paul Krugman of " leprechaun economics" after reporting the economy grew at 26% in 2015, also issued an alternative measurement of growth.
The post CSO Perspectives conference to discuss future challenges appeared first on Tahawul Tech.
CSO provides support and qualitative analysis for use in formal and informal negotiations, helping to analyze negotiations, design mediations and identify sources of leverage and strategies.
Similarly, the Asean Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights defines a CSO as: 'the association of persons ...
Therefore, our research links pollution-derived coliforms levels (CSO versus nonpoint source [NPS]) and antimicrobial resistance in water samples to provide insight into the selective pressures exerted by antimicrobial use in an urban watershed.
We are very pleased to have such an experienced manager to take on the CSO position," commented Philip Krahn, CEO at ALBIS Plastic.
If the two sources give such widely divergent figures, one must be distinctly more wrong; it is time the CSO discarded it.
The economic growth projection for this fiscal by the Central Statistics Office ( CSO) is higher than the finance ministry's midyear economic analysis, which projected a growth rate of 7- 7.5 per cent.