Cross purpose

Also found in: Idioms.
Related to Cross purpose: cross off, come in handy, cross paths
See Cross-purpose, in the Vocabulary.

See also: Cross

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
"How can we hope for solidarity with all these cross purposes and conflicts?"
But they pulled at cross purposes, usually; and always they showed themselves to be acutely aware of the critical eyes all about them, and of the tongues that had nothing to do but to talk about what the eyes saw.
I tried him with some other questions, but his chattering, prompt responses were as often as not quite at cross purposes with my question.
"Why continue to play at cross purposes?" Dowsett demanded abruptly and coldly.
How somebody, lying in my bed, lay saying and doing all this over again, at cross purposes, in a feverish dream all night - the bed a rocking sea that was never still!
See how they fight, there for the sword, here for the horse, on that side for the eagle, on this for the helmet; we are all fighting, and all at cross purposes. Come then, you, Senor Judge, and you, senor curate; let the one represent King Agramante and the other King Sobrino, and make peace among us; for by God Almighty it is a sorry business that so many persons of quality as we are should slay one another for such trifling cause."
Next, here are honest and well intentioned persons, who by a want of tact--by inaccurate perceptions--by a distorting imagination--have been kept continually at cross purposes with the world and bewildered upon the path of life.
When they ought to have spoken, they didn't speak; or when they did speak they were perpetually at cross purposes. Mr.
"We have been talking at cross purposes," said she.
She was absent-minded to a degree, and answered at cross purposes, and sometimes not at all.
My chief feeling was satisfaction that her inner self was once more shut out from me; and I almost revelled for the moment in the absent melancholy that made me answer her at cross purposes, and betray utter ignorance of what she had been saying.
Socks PS11.95, boxers PS24.95, AT CROSS PURPOSE ALDI is launching a new cross training range of equipment and clothing.