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n, adj
slang short for criminal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In the course of the defence, the witty Erskine went on to illustrate his position, by alluding to a recent crim. con.
It occurred to me that this tool should be surrendered to the Special Crimes division as a whole, instead of remaining the private property of Chief Inspector Heat.
The adventurous head of the Special Crimes Department watched these disappearances from a distance with an interested eye.
Mort Crim, the retired anchorman said to be the inspiration for Will Ferrell's Ron Burgundy character, has been chosen for induction in the Illinois Broadcasters Association's Hall of Fame, Robert Feder writes.
"I am especially pleased and proud to announce this morning that BMO Financial Group will contribute $2.25 million to the CRIM over the next ten years.
"Reducing the qualifications to become a certified teacher is yet another avenue to deprofessionalizing the teaching profession," Crim says.
Moreover, designed starter circuit also protects CRIM from phase absence and fault of phase sequence with the help of a protection relay algorithm which is embedded into the microcontroller.
The Crim road race started out as the brainchild of then Michigan House Speaker Bobby Crim and his administrative assistant, Lois Craig.
See Alec Samuels, Non-Crown Prosecutions: Prosecutions by Non-Police Agencies and by Private Individuals, 1986 Crim. L.
Cal Crim has been servicing its clients with armed and unarmed security and patrol officers in the Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky area over the past century.
Crim's play is not about whether or not the teacher is guilty but about changes in the way family and friends regard him as the question looms.