
Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia.
n.1.The ring which turns inward and condenses the flame of a lamp.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Retinopathy and chronic kidney disease in the chronic renal insufficiency cohort study (CRIC).
"Cricket enthusiasts can tune in for an all-access season pass to the 10 warm-up games and the 48 live games of the main tournament, as well as exclusive ICC shows building up to the event, and post-game highlights - only on OSN CRIC XTRA 1, OSN CRIC XTRA 2.
The main purpose of the seminar was to provide a platform for sharing the Women Cricket Vision 2022, Game Development initiatives comprising of Cric 4 Us and Skills 2 Shine Programs, implementation strategies for programs, challenges, achievements and the expectation from zonal academies.
According to ESPN Cric info, Zimbabwe could never come close to maintaining a stable run rate since wickets fell like a pack of cards.
La pugna por el cambio de nombre y de perfil de la ASI provoco que dos de sus sectores regionales mas representativos--Cauca y Antioquia--se enfrentaran y se generara una de sus primeras disidencias, esta es la aparicion del Movimiento Social Indigena (MSI) (antecesor de lo que hoy es el MAIS), impulsado por la ex-consejera del CRIC: Aida Quilcue (15).
Medical technology company RaySearch Laboratories AB (STO:RAYB) announced on Tuesday the selection of its RayStation solution by CRIC (Centre rAaAaAeA@gional intAaAaAeA@grAaAaAeA@ de cancAaAaAeA@rologie), a new ultra-modern cance in Levis, close to Quebec City, as the sole treatment planning system for all external radiation therapy needs.
Nearly four decades ago, as part of an Amnesty International mission to Colombia, we visited a jail in Popayan in the Cauca Valley and interviewed five Indian leaders of the Consejo Regional Indigena del Cauca, or CRIC. One of them still had fresh bullet wounds in his flesh yet he stood upright and unbowed.
In order to achieve this goal, the formation of a non-profit organisation is on the cards - Committee Regulating Industrial cleaning (CRIC), he says.
However, experimental animal evidence and epidemiologic findings of preclinical CVD from the ongoing National Institute of Health prospective observational Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study along with earlier observations suggest that considering CKD and CVD as a result of external atherosclerotic and nonatherosclerotic mechanisms is likely an over simplification and misses the contribution of each organ system to the pathophysiology of the other (7-9).
22 July 2016 - Canadian insurer Kingsway Financial Services Inc.'s (TSX: KFS) (NYSE: KFS) US-based CMC Acquisition, LLC subsidiary has agreed with US-based investment firm CRIC TRT Acquisition LLC to purchase 81% of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Texas-based corporation US-based electronic hazard monitoring services firm CMC Industries, Inc.