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n. pl. Cree or Crees
1. A member of a Native American people inhabiting a large area from eastern Canada west to Alberta and the Great Slave Lake. Formerly located in central Canada, the Cree expanded westward and eastward in the 17th and 18th centuries, the western Cree adopting the Plains Indian life and the eastern Cree retaining their woodland culture.
2. The Algonquian language of the Cree.

[French Cris, shortening of Cristineaux, name of a 17th-century Cree band, from Ojibwa (Old Algonquin) kirištino·, from Cree.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
To complete ou discomforts we were obliged to cross the head of a cree of the sea, in which the water was as high as our horses backs; and the little waves, owing to the violence of th wind, broke over us, and made us very wet and cold.
The Quebec Crees established its first embassy in Ottawa about 25 years ago as a meeting ground for federal government negotiations.
About 130 pigeons died in one of the crees, which was gutted and 20 birds were killed in the second cree.
This first novel, based on the life of a famed Canadian sniper in WW I, is told mostly via a series of flashbacks by two Cree Indians.
East of the Moose Cree First Nation -- Another roadblock has prevented the completion of the last phase of the Washow James Bay Wilderness Centre in Moose Factory.
The Duke of Northumberland won permission at Alnwick District Council last night to site two crees at Hillside in Rothbury.
and the [Parti Quebecois] and the Crees weren't seeing eye to eye on anything.
The Crees not only become part of the developmental process, but become part of the decision-making process and planning process for future development on our traditional territories, for the first time.
Yet to speak for the Crees about their own encounter with Canadian colonialism would undermine the project of critical reflection before it even begins.
The book begins by affirming the James Bay Crees' (who call themselves Eeyouch) intimate connection with the land.
It is Far North Quebee, and the only ones comfortable here are the Inuit, the Cree, moose, and caribou.