creative tension

creative tension

1. (Psychology) a situation where disagreement or discord ultimately gives rise to better ideas or outcomes
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a situation where disagreement or discord ultimately gives rise to better ideas or outcomes
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There is that special creative tension in the front line that comes from contrasting characters who spark off each other.
However, when such prophecies are not immediately fulfilled--in fact, when it seems the very opposite of the prophecy is happening--a creative tension occurs that, coupled with pathos, creates tragedy.
The method uses creative tension to drive innovative solutions and dispose of road-blocks to strategic decision making.
After all, Fleetwood Mac, who've sold 73 million albums worldwide since hitting the charts in 1967, have been regularly troubled by what Fleetwood calls 'creative tension' and changes of personnel.
The lack of creative tension within committee hearings could be attributed to the fact that committee hearings themselves are simply rituals that must be performed before a budget or a bill can pass.
In my 30s, I tried to think of being "in the world but not of the world" as a creative tension, a balancing act that would keep me in the proper equilibrium.
But Steve, big brother of Oasis's Alan White, only had a week to learn the band's songs, causing a bit of creative tension. Singer Simon Fowler said: "It certainly gave us a bit of an edge."
In a time in our church when there's often tension around women's issues, we wanted to have a sense that it is a creative tension and to be open to the Spirit."
As Superior General David Fleming observes, the interplay between the "monastic" and "apostolic" resulted "sometimes in creative tension, but often in a more sterile opposition" (298).
CREATIVE tension among the luvvies at work on Alastair Campbell: The Movie.
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