
Also found in: Acronyms, Wikipedia.
v. t.1.To break in pieces; to crack.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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CRASE is built on three principles: avoid, deny and defend.
"The Alexandre Benalla and Vincent Crase case is an affair of the state.
The Paris prosecutor's office said on Saturday that the custody of both Benalla and Crase had been extended by 24 hours.
For such a large project, it was critical to bring in a strategic partner that could come in for the initial engineering and upgrade planning, and then continue to work with the institution on a project basis, says Crase. Due to its reach across California and known expertise, AT&T emerged after a competitive bidding process as the clear fit to engage with CSU as a common networking infrastructure consultant.
Lin Crase, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
Several studies confirm that some organic farmers would be willing to sacrifice profits in exchange for social and environmental goals (Chouinard et al., 2008; Hayes and Lynne, 2004; Mayberry, Crase, and Gullifer, 2005).
Lack of support and/or positive recognition is often raised as a prominent factor in carets choosing to quit fostering (Australian Foster Care Association, 2001; Baum, Crase & Crase, 2001; Brown & Calder, 2000; Carter, 2004; McHugh, 2002; Sinclair et al., 2004).
Presented by Crase (La Trobe U., Australia) and Gandhi (Centre for Management in Agriculture, Indian Institute of Management, India), the 16 chapters of this text collectively conduct an institutional analysis of water resource management in India.
Crase was born on September 24, 1938, in Trimountain, Michigan, and died of pancreatic cancer on August 15, 2007.
Michelle Crase spoke to us from Northern Illinois University (NIU) about her career in the laboratory versus her "new" career of almost 20 years in the university's Environmental Health and Safety Department (EHS).
ACF Northern Australia Program Manager Jann Crase says, "This is a responsible and common-sense move by both governments.