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a.1.(Arch.) Turning on pivots at the top and bottom; - said of a door.
n.1.(Far.) An ulcer on the coronet of a horse.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The skin of a poulet crapaudine - named because its spatchcocked outline resembles a crapaud, a toad - shatters like mica; the flesh underneath, basted for hours by the birds dripping on to it from above, is pillowy but springy, imbued to the bone with pepper and thyme.
Under "restraints" we find: "Bucking (the parrot's perch), the Crapaudine (Toad) (l'avion, Banana Tie, arbachtar, Ulysses' bow ...)" (pp.
The method crapaudine is another means of preparing a bird for the grill.