

a member of a carbon reduction action group
[C21: from the acronym CRAG]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The majestic Lion CHI Temple (RRP: PS89.99) is where Cragger, Crawley and Razar are battling for their tribes, and trying to reach the sacred CHI orb rising high above the temple.
Other buildable CHI action figures include Cragger, Worriz, Eris, Razar (pictured) and Gorzan, all priced at PS10.99.
Your boat sets sail round the snaking waterways of Chima, on the magical waters flowing from Mount Cavora, where our aquatic arsenal is our defence against Cragger the Crocodile King.
You pass Mount Cavora, a 55ft waterfall, before heading into the jaws of Cragger the crocodile.
It's a good old-fashioned slice of good vs evil as it pits you against Cragger, who you need to prevent from deploying its awesome power to threaten the balance of Chima.
You're on the hunt to unlock the secret of the legendary triple-CHI armour before the evil Cragger can deploy its awesome power to threaten the balance of Chima itself.
You're on the hunt to unlock the secret of the legendary triple-CHI armor before the evil Cragger can deploy its awesome power to threaten the balance of Chima itself.
The movie's special effects are excellent and the kids ooh and ahh as my wife Alison, William and I visit the Kingdom of Chima to watch the adventures of Laval the Lion Prince and his enemy Cragger the Crocodile.
The power of the CHI provide harmony in CHIMA and are kept safe in the Lions Temple, but the crocs have a hunger for power and Cragger, the croc prince, has planned a revolt.
You're on the hunt to unlock the secret of the triple-Chi armour before evil Cragger can threaten the balance of Chima.
Attach Laval and Cragger on to the Speedorz and let rip, to speed through the lion's mouth and release the CHI!
If it sounds implausible, or even downright dangerous, this is what Craggers across the country are doing to cut energy usage.