

a retaliatory blockade
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Because Germany's continental neighbors were its most important trading partners and its colonies were inconsequential to German economic security, Caprivi believed that Germany should concentrate its defense resources on its ground forces to enable it to dominate the continent, and that it should develop only a limited counterblockade capability to ensure continued access to overseas trade.
In the maritime theater, Wilhelm's preoccupation with battleships led him to neglect German development of a cost-effective counterblockade submarine fleet that could have posed a more secure and effective threat against the British fleet.
In contrast, Adolf Hitler later would understand the value of a less expensive submarine capability to a continental power's blockade and counterblockade capabilities.
While the Berlin wall had been a symbol for mutual acceptance of a divided Europe, it was the absence of a Soviet counterblockade of West Berlin during the missile crisis that sealed superpower acceptance of the territorial status quo in Europe.(38) After the successful demonstration of U.S.
Corridors were 20-mile wide air Lanes protected by written agreement; the allies also responded with a counterblockade of the eastern zone.
(9) In the near term, therefore, any PLAN counterblockade task force would be operating at or beyond the limits of its professional ability and combat range.
PLAN submarines, consequently, are not a counterblockade panacea, though the threat they represent cannot be completely dismissed.
The new manual envisaged a dozen types of naval operations, aimed at destroying the enemy forces at sea, against coastal "objects" (installations), on sea communications and blockade, in support of own sea communications and counterblockade, landing operations, antilanding operations, and operations in support of the army flank.
BEALE ST tp = Beatles, belates BILLBOARD tp = broadbill CADILLAC ta4 = dialectical CASH BOX ta3 = matchboxes GOLD RECORD ta6 = dendrochronoloy GOLDEN RECORDS ta5 = dendrochronologies GOLD LAME ta1= gamboled GOSPEL tp = golpes GOSPEL ta1 = epilogs, prolegs, splodge GUITAR ta2 = antidrug, gratuity, ligature, ziggurat HIP-SHAKING td2 = kingship HYSTERIA ta1 = hairstyle, yahrzeits MEMPHIAN ta3 = amphetamine, impeachment PELVIS ta1 = pelvics, plosive SOUNDTRACK ta6 = counterblockades DARRYL FRANCIS Sutton, Surrey, England