cough mixture

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cough mixture

(Pharmacology) any medicine that relieves coughing
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
sirup proti kašli
sirup protiv kašlja
thuốc ho

cough mixture

cough syrup nsciroppo per la tosse
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

cough mixture

مُرَكَّب لِعَلاج السُعَال sirup proti kašli hostesaft Hustensaft σιρόπι για το βήχα jarabe para la tos yskänlääke sirop pour la toux sirup protiv kašlja sciroppo per la tosse 咳止め薬 기침약 hoestdrank hostesaft syrop na kaszel xarope contra a tosse, xarope para a tosse микстура от кашля hostmedicin ส่วนผสมสำหรับแก้ไอ öksürük şurubu thuốc ho 止咳药水
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in periodicals archive ?
Paracetamol, cold treatments and cough mixture are among the products that are no longer routinely prescribed as a result.
This was the name my sisters and I gave to mother's patent cough mixture.
We also found an ice container which had 26 bottles of liquid suspected to be ketum water as well as a box filled with 51 bottles of Cynadrl Syrup cough mixture.
There was, inevitably, a mix-up which involved the man behind me, who had only come in for a bottle of cough mixture, paying for my PS8.80 prescription, but I wasn't really in the frame of mind to enjoy it.
Some countries require a doctor's note for prescribed medicines, while over-thecounter items such as cough mixture and allergy treatments cannot be taken into others.
He said: "She had just lay on the couch, taking paracetamol and cough mixture because that is what you are told to do if you think you have flu.
She put out an appeal on her Facebook page that if any pals could pop in with medical supplies like cough mixture she'd be most grateful.
The end one was formerly a grocer's shop and is advertising Kilkof cough mixture with the slogan 'Tackle that Tickle.'.
He also poured potentially harmful amounts of antibiotics, paracetamol, cough mixture and laxatives into squash bottles and told her to self-medicate by drinking the mixture throughout the day, instead of telling her to take tablets every four hours.
He also poured potentially harmful amounts of antibiotics, paracetamol, cough mixture and laxatives into one-litre squash bottles and told her to selfmedicate by drinking the mixture throughout the day, instead of telling her to take tablets every four hours.
However when police they arrived they discovered the blood was in fact a broken bottle of blackcurrant cough mixture and the blood-soaked body was merely shopping bags.