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1. A medieval villein who occupied a cottage with a small piece of land in return for labor.
2. In Scotland and Ireland, a farm worker who, in return for a cottage, gives labor at a fixed rate when required.

[From Middle English coter, from Old French coter, cotier; akin to Medieval Latin cotārius : Medieval Latin cota, cottage (of Germanic origin and akin to Old English cot, cottage) + Latin -ārius, adj. and n. suff.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Historical Terms) Scot (in the Scottish Highlands) a peasant occupying a cottage and land of not more than half an acre at a rent of not more than five pounds a year
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.cottar - a peasant farmer in the Scottish Highlands
bucolic, peasant, provincial - a country person
2.cottar - fastener consisting of a wedge or pin inserted through a slot to hold two other pieces together
cotter pin - a cotter consisting of a split pin that is secured (after passing through a hole) by splitting the ends apart
fastening, holdfast, fastener, fixing - restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
A standout is Cottar's Safaris, which has been in the business for a century.
Cottar's Safari Service last week celebrated 100 years of shaping African and world safari tourism.
This day have ye quenched seven smoking hearths; see if the fire in your ain parlour burn the blyther for that.--Ye have riven the thaek off seven cottar houses--look if your ain roof-tree stand the faster.
These sentiments, whether implicitly legitimized and articulated through a stereotyped 'pact' with an envisioned Devil, or in some other way made conscious and justified to oneself, could then license cathartic retributive action against those perceived as responsible for one's hardships, up to and including attacks against arbitrary representatives of one's community, such as the {evidently hallucinatory) murders and other crimes in which the seventeenth-century cottar's wife Isobel Gowdie of Auldearn, Scotland professed to have participated (Visions 320-3).
Dioctophyma renale e um helminto pertencente a familia Dioctophymatidae, e a classe Nematoda (COTTAR et al., 2012; COLPO et al., 2007).
Such allomorphic variation typically affects either the vowel or the last consonant in the root: note the diphthongization in sentir 'feel' / sento (I-feel), cottar 'count; tell' / cuento (I-count; I-tell), or the fronting of the vowel in pedir 'ask' / pi_do (I-ask), or velar insertion in tener 'have' / tengo (I-have), or consonant alternation in hacer 'do, make' / hago (I-do, I-make).
Wilson Nimmo played the hero Hamish the Hamster, with overtones of Jamesie Cottar from Rab C Nesbitt, to hilarious effect.
I'm worried but must just wait to see how bad it is." Skipper Pygros c a p p e d his display with a try and said: "We s c or e d good tries and there are lot s of positives." Cottar's positive
Once he had finished the poem and had had time to consider it more carefully, however, he was less enthusiastic about her versification and about the appropriateness of the subject matter, asking her 8 May 1884 whether "so lurid a piece of cruelty in English life" as she depicts in "The Rothers" could be true and questioning the terrible ending of "Cottar's Girl" (910).
Whether you're an avid 'yogi' or fitness fanatic, or simply looking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and truly unwind in Kenya's spectacular bush, this is the ideal getaway.Yoga and fitness fans can choose an itinerary that takes in any one of the seven Cheli & Peacock portfolio properties: Amboseli's Tortilis Camp at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro; Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp and Elephant Pepper Camp in the spectacular Masai Mara; Laikipia's lofty Lewa Safari Camp and the more remote Northern properties of Elsa's Kopje, Joy's Camp and Kitich Camp.
But when she got to the corner where she expected to see the smiling face of Mr Cottar looking back at her, there was a travel agency.