cost rent

cost rent

(Commerce) (in Britain) the rent of a dwelling calculated on the cost of providing and maintaining the property without allowing for a profit
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
"In most instances this will be market value where no account of the current market rent reimbursements, cost rent or notional rent is taken into consideration.
Two Castles is currently regenerating a derelict former Salvation Army site at Lansbury Close, Birtley, to provide six two-bedroom, eco-friendly homes - and at Slaley in Northumberland it is building another seven homes for low cost rent and shared ownership.
Two Castles is currently regenerating a derelict former Salvation Army site at Lansbury Close, Birtley, to provide six two-bedroom, eco-friendly homes ( and at Slaley in Northumberland it is building another seven homes for low cost rent and shared ownership.
And crucially thousands of new homes, many for low cost rent or sale, are being built.
It maintains that closure is the only realistic option, given that Hartlepool already has an all-weather berth and that to provide one at Teesmouth, even if it were given by PD Ports, would cost rent, around pounds 200,000 a year running costs and, in a few years at least pounds 2m for a new lifeboat.
Aid agencies announced last week that 80% of refugees are not even living in camps, but are forced to make-do in tented settlements or high cost rented accommodation and are concerned the international response is failing to match the scale of the crisis.
Thomas Vale Construction has vowed to build the homes in Astwood Lane, Feckenham, for the West Mercia Housing Association which is making them affordable by offering low cost rents and shared ownership schemes.
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