

intr.v. co·ro·tat·ed, co·ro·tat·ing, co·ro·tates
To rotate on an axis in the same period of time as it takes to orbit another object.

co′ro·ta′tion n.
co′ro·ta′tion·al adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the act of corotating
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The new planetary object was described in ( a paper titled "The structure of terrestrial bodies: Impact heating, corotation limits, and synestias," published online Monday in the Journal of Geophysical Research.
Hence, the total angular frequency to a distant observer [[omega].sub.tot] = [omega] + [[omega].sub.G], and in the limit of rigid corotation, [[omega].sub.tot] [right arrow] [[omega].sub.G], where [[omega].sub.G] = x[V.sup.y] + y[V.sup.x].
A particle just interior to the moon's orbit has a higher angular velocity than the moon in the stationary frame, and thus moves with respect to the moon in the direction of corotation. A particle just outside the moon's orbit has a smaller angular velocity, and moves away from the moon in the opposite direction.
The design possibilities of counterrotating screws give better "function density," meaning they can perform more process functions - such as feeding, melting, mixing, pumping, and venting - in a given L/D than are possible in corotation.
As the two screws turn in corotation, the left and right lobes approach the intermesh region from the opposite direction.
In corotation, dispersive mixing occurs largely outside he intermesh region by pressure-flow forces between the lobe and barrel wall.
According to the prevailing theories, based on the restricted three-body framework (Neptune-Galatea-arcs) with a conservative disturbing potential, these arcs are radially and lon gitudinally confined by the corotation resonance potential of the inner moon Galatea.
where [[??].sub.x] = ([r.sub.x], [[theta].sub.x]) and f = (r, 0) are the position vectors of Galatea x and Fraternite mass distribution, [a.sub.x] and a are the respective semi-major axes, [[theta].sub.x] and [e.sub.x] are the arguments of perihelion and eccentricity of x, [[theta].sub.fx] = ([n.sub.[theta]] - (n - 1)[[theta].sub.x] - [[theta].sub.x]) is the corotation resonance variable, [b.sup.(n).sub.(1/2)] [alpha] is the Laplace coefficient, [alpha] = [a.sub.x]/a < 1, and n = 43.
The position of the break is more coincident with the corotation radius of the oval distortion than that of the spiral pattern, which is beyond the radius sampled by our data.
The D-tex patented gearbox allows selection of either corotation or counterrotation by the shift of a lever.