corn dolly

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corn dolly

(Crafts) a decorative figure made by plaiting straw
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The words of the hit song from the 1964 Hello Dolly musical could have been written for the Northumberland village of Whalton, for the arrival of a 15ft tall corn dolly will revive a village custom.
The inside demonstration displays had two newcomers to this year's event; a milliner who demonstrated the fine art of making hats, and a "corn dolly lady", who intricately weaves straw into fascinating shapes.
It is thought that the corn dolly, or kern baby, was made of the last wheat of the season, kept over winter then buried when the new crops were sewn so the spirit of the harvest went back into the ground.
Among programme highlights is a Lammas Day event on Saturday August 1, where you can weave a corn dolly from straw and make your own flat bread to cook over an open fire; and two map reading courses in Shibden Park organised by David Austin from the Calderdale branch of the Ramblers Association.
The last sheaf was also ceremonially cut and often made into a traditional "corn dolly".
Jenny learned the ancient craft of corn dolly making as a child and often plaits straw to make gifts, and is keen for others to learn the skill (it's not hard to do) as it is a dying art.
Traditional craftspeople will be showing off their skills with the chance for visitors to try their hand at willow arch weaving and corn dolly making.
The fair will feature a quack doctor, a Punch & Judy show, a Georgian travelling swing boat and craftspeople at work, including a corn dolly maker and silhouette cutter.
Should you need to make a smock or a corn dolly, Acton Scott is the place for you.
Turned away by the king's servants in his attempt to ask for compensation for the damaged crops, the granger of the monastery assembled a group of farmers "carrying basins and sticks" (71), led by someone bearing a corn dolly on a pole.
PETER Oakley hosts a Corn Dolly workshop at the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter, 75/79 Vyse Street, Hockley from 1.30pm - 3.30pm on Thursday.
The event will also include demonstrations of the art of corn dolly making.