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v. t.1.To share.
For, of all miserias, I hold that chief
Wretched to be, when none coparts our grief.
- Webster (1661).
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Palo Alto Networks, Copart, and Slack will be reporting the latest quarterly results after the market close.
Jay Adair, Copart CEO, said, 'We are thrilled that we can meet our customers' growing needs by expanding the Atlanta East facility.'
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 15, 2019-: United States Vehicle Auction Market: Size, Trends & Forecasts (2019-2023) with Profiles on Key Players KAR Auction Services, Copart, and Manheim
The online auction, organised in conjunction with car auction site Copart Middle East, ends on Sunday.
Organised in conjunction with Copart Middle East (Copart), the established auto auction company, this online auction represents the Ministry's interest in strategic partnerships with the private sector for improved efficiency, transparency and competition.
If you have a passion for cars, there is an opportunity at local car dealer Copart for an individual with a keen interest in vehicles to work alongside a team of committed individuals who support each other like family.
11 March 2019 - Texas, US-based online vehicle auction company Copart, Inc.
Copart Inc (NASDAQ:CPRT) reported on Wednesday for the fiscal first quarter ended 31 October 2018, a net income of USD114.1m or USD0.47 fully diluted earnings per share, up by USD36.6m or 47.2% from the net income of USD77.5m or USD0.32 fully diluted earnings per share (up by 46.9% from the fiscal first quarter on 2018) in the same period of 2017.
This includes a large premises run by Copart, a firm which provides online vehicle auction services.
"We're ready to expand our footprint in the Upstate region of South Carolina," said Jay Adair, CEO of Copart, in a news release.
The applicant is Mason Laycock or Dallas, Texas-based Copart Inc., and the owners are M B Terminal Co.
The Blaine CrashedToys site replaces one in East Bethel, according to information on the company's website.<br />"The move to Blaine helps streamline our business operations in The North Star State," Copart's Chief Executive Officer Jay Adair said in a written announcement released before the move.