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v. con·tra·dict·ed, con·tra·dict·ing, con·tra·dicts
1. To assert to be untrue, often by saying the opposite: "The study contradicts the notion that merely keeping busy keeps people healthy" (Richard A. Knox). See Synonyms at deny.
2. To assert the opposite of a statement or idea put forward by (someone).
3. To be contrary to; be inconsistent with: "[Her] almost giddy warmth in conversation appears to contradict her image as a confrontational, politically outspoken performer" (Elysa Gardner).
To make a contradictory statement.

[Latin contrādīcere, contrādict-, to speak against : contrā-, contra- + dīcere, to speak; see deik- in Indo-European roots.]

con′tra·dict′a·ble adj.
con′tra·dict′er, con′tra·dic′tor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The Jadids were convinced that the Turkestan region, being a part of the Islamic world, but constituting a unique phenomenon in the world history, was about to find its rightful place in the complicated and contradictable future of the 20th century.
Before the learning program, basics of conversation in Arabic were Diana's main interests in AFL, but after starting the program, she became interested in understanding some aspects of Arabic culture which she could not understand previously, such as the contradictable social behaviours of some Gulf males with females.
"I think a lot of people perceive 'professional' and 'fun' as contradictable terms, however the environment we have created is conducive to both," said Finger.