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n, pl contadine or contadinas
(Agriculture) (in Italy) a female farmer or peasant
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She had lived with her father and sister in a queer old-fashioned, expatriated, artistic Bohemia, in the days when the aesthetic was only the academic and the painters who knew the best models for a contadina and pifferaro wore peaked hats and long hair.
"Well," said Morcerf, "for three days I believed myself the object of the attentions of a masque, whom I took for a descendant of Tullia or Poppoea, while I was simply the object of the attentions of a contadina, and I say contadina to avoid saying peasant girl.
Its other heritage brands include S and W, Contadina and College Inn, most of which originated in the United States as premium packaged food products.
soffocante, pieno di mosche--, piu adatto alla comunita contadina che
Among these new products are the Del Monte Citrus Bowls, Del Monte Fruit Crunch Parfaits, Del Monte Veggieful Bites and Contadina Pizzettas.
For his two dishes, Passalacqua prepared Cavatelli alla Contadina, a pasta made with flour and ricotta cheese, topped with a garlic tomato sauce with broccolini, pork sausage and smoked cheese, and Saltimbocca di Pollo with an orange cream sauce, a battered chicken breast with provolone, prosciutto, raisins and marsala wine on top of a bed of thin spaghetti.
The new menu features favourites such as Amalia's Calzone Con Melanzane, Pizza Quattro Formaggi and Pizza Contadina.
Finally, I settled on tagliatelli alla contadina (PS9.50) - described as strips of fillet steak, cooked in a rich wild mushroom and red wine sauce - it turned out to be my most enjoyable meal in a long time.
"Commercio locale e commercio internazionale nella societa contadina d'Antico Regime".
Finally, I settled on Tagliatelli alla Contadina ([pounds sterling]9.50) - described as strips of fillet steak, cooked in a rich wild mushroom and red wine sauce - and this turned out to be my most enjoyable meal in a long time.
La famiglia contadina nella Lombardia del Cinquecento: dinamiche del lavoro e sistemi demografici, Popolazione e storia, 10 (1), 19-37.