congenital cataract

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con·gen·i·tal cat·a·ract

n. catarata congénita, no común, usualmente bilateral, producida a causa de una infección intrauterina, a toxicidad, a una lesión, o a trastornos metabólicos o cromosomáticos.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Mutation in ATAD3A is said to cause a series of diseases such as delayed psychomotor development, intellectual disabilities, truncal hypotonia, spasitcity, peripheral neuropathy, congenital cataract, joint stiffness, difficulties in breathing and feeding and seizures, the links for which might not always be obvious.
There are no data in Turkey regarding what proportion of congenital cataract and retinoblastoma are detected by family physicians using red reflex examination.
Result: Thirty Simple Micro ophthalmic eyes from seventeen patients having visually significant congenital cataract were studied.
In clinical terms, they had 'congenital cataract,' locally called motiya.
In theory, children can wear them from any age, even as newborn babies if needed - if a newborn baby is born with a congenital cataract, the baby's natural lens will be removed within a few months of birth and the baby will wear a contact lens until they're old enough to have a lens implanted.
Congenital cataract refers to opacity of the lens detected at birth or at an early stage of childhood.
A previous study revealed that the critical period of surgery for unilateral congenital cataract is 6 weeks of age, and permanent sensory deprivation can occur if surgery is delayed beyond 4 months of age in bilateral dense cataract.[5] Thus, the key to preventing childhood cataract and glaucoma BL lies in early diagnosis and skilled management.
In theory, children can wear them from any age, even as newborn babies, if needed - if a newborn baby is born with a congenital cataract, the baby's natural lens will be removed within a few months of birth and the baby will wear a contact lens until they're old enough to have a lens implanted.
There are very few reports concerning the relationship between different IOLs and VAO in congenital cataract surgery with posterior capsulotomy and AV.
Dr Olusanya declared that aside from rubella, exposure to radiation in pregnancy or some other illnesses may also predispose a child to congenital cataract.
Prevalence and epidemiological characteristics of congenital cataract: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The disease, known as congenital rubella syndrome, may also cause congenital cataract, deafness, mental retardation, and cardiac defects [2].
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