cone shell

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Related to cone shell: Stone fish, Blue ringed octopus

cone shell

(Animals) any of various tropical marine gastropod molluscs of the genus Conus and related genera, having a smooth conical shell. Sometimes shortened to: cone
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Prod an innocent looking cone shell and its vicious little occupant will quickly respond with a well-aimed dart packed with paralysing toxins.
The main objective of this study is to optimize the biosorption performance of raw cone shell of Calabrian pine for C.I.
Washington, July 5 ( ANI ): The Great Barrier Reef humpbacked conch snail jumps when it senses the odour of its main predator, the marbled cone shell.
Beach Wahine has a wide range of latest Hawaiian jewelry including blue Hawaii necklace, bora bora bangle, cone shell necklace, coral Saturn necklace, black coral necklace and much more that are not just unique but elegant too.
This all started when a malarial Seattle-born Buddhist named Nancy was stung by a cone shell in the shell collector's kitchen.
Muralag was the chief centre for the manufacture of dugong harpoons; the finest examples of cone shell (Conus litteratus) came from the Warrior Reef and other reefs to the east; the most prized examples came from Tudu and the eastern islands such as Mer.
Then Paige found an alphabet cone shell. "It looks as if it's decorated with African designs," she said.
Cone shells contain therapeutically useful peptides including the conotoxins, and one such peptide, ziconotide, has been approved.
The combination of beauty and danger possessed by cone shells provides multiple lessons.