
Also found in: Medical.


Uniform in color: concolorous leaves.

[Latin concolor, of the same color (from con-, con- + color, color; see kel- in Indo-European roots) + -ous.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Basidiocarp resupinate, adnate, effused, up to 250 [micro]m thick in section; hymenial surface smooth, yellowish white to pale yellow when fresh, pale orange to orange white on drying, margins thinning, paler concolorous, to indeterminate.
Stipe 30-60 x 10-15 mm, central, tapered towards base, concolorous with cap with a lighter upper portion and a darker basal portion, stuffed, context cream colored (Fig.
0.4 cm, both pubescent; leaflets 4.5-6 x 2.5-2 cm, concolorous, chartaceous, lanceolate to elliptic, apex acuminate to rounded, margins entire, base rounded, venation penninerved, both surfaces pubescent with tector trichomes; tendrils simple.
The paratypes are yellowish brown with the head and gaster of the major being slightly darker (the minor paratype is concolorous yellowish brown).
This species also is characterized by a concolorous connexivum.
1A,B): Head and pronotum: Black, with somewhat variegate appearance owing to small piceous (e.g., humeral tubercles) to light brown (e.g., clypeus) areas, middle and hind lobes of pronotum concolorous. Mesoscutellum: Black, lateral margins and proximal part of scutellar spine yellowish.
rosaceus Ahmad and Qadri (2007) in appearance, with corium pale ochraceous or deep red, concolorous with head, callus, pronotum and scutellum and corial spots like small dot with pale membrane but it can easily be separated from it in having parameral second tooth truncated and first gonocoxae with proximal angle concave in contrast to rosaceus having parameral second tooth beak like and first gonocoxae with proximal angles rounded.