conception rate

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conception rate

(Veterinary Science) vet science the success rate of artificial insemination in agricultural animals, usually expressed as a percentage
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If one were having a low conception rate, crossing with a breed which has above average or excellent scores in cow conception rate and bull fertility may be beneficial (and the Jersey was the only breed to get the top rating in both areas).
Some critics of BGH claim that the stress of increased milk production lowers bovine disease resistance and conception rate. Augsburg says FDA is now reviewing data on dairy cow and calf health from each of the BGH-producing companies.
The product of conception rate and estrus detection rate was defined as pregnancy rate.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said that 2016 saw the lowest under-18 conception rate in England and Wales since comparable statistics were first produced in 1969.
Hormonal protocols like Ovsynch have been tried to improve conception rate in repeat breeder cows with limited success (Keskin et al., 2010).
The statistics refer ONLY to the rate of women actually giving birth and NOT to the pregnancy/ conception rate as a whole.
The conception rate for people under 18 in the county between 1998 and 2012 has dropped 32% to 28.4 per 1,000 conceptions, lower than the national average.
The under-18 conception rate was 27.7/1,000, which has fallen 40.6% since 1998.
And the yearly under-18 conception rate in Middlesbrough still remains significantly lower than in 2009 and 2010.
Since the campaign was launched between 1999 and 2007, the under-18 conception rate has fallen by 10.7 per cent and teenage conceptions leading to births have slumped by 23.3 per cent.
The conception rate among girls aged 15 to 17 in Kirklees rose from 43.4 per 1,000 in 2005 to 43.9 the following year.
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