computer literate

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Related to computer literate: Computer illiterate

computer literate

(Computer Science) able to use computers
computer literacy n
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References in periodicals archive ?
The workforce includes a high percentage of people who are highly skilled, computer literate and well-prepared for employment in technology industries.
Kaiser thinks it is especially important for physician executives to be computer literate and to help other physicians become computer literate.
He said: ``This is an ideal opportunity for people, disabled or otherwise, to become computer literate and part of a rewarding exercise.
Dean Thomas wants to improve his German, Steve Burr wants to become computer literate, Chief Insp Moreton wants to learn more about the history of his home town, and Cllr Hancox would like to learn a foreign language.
Will society be split in developed countries between the computer literate and the non-computer literate?
Consumers have become more computer literate in the 90's, particularly in terms of basic automated tasks, and they are more comfortable with technology.
Sony said: "Owners will have to be computer literate but not experts."
The course is suitable for anyone with an interest in drawing and those taking part do not necessarily need to be computer literate.
PEOPLE wanting to become more computer literate can take advantage of a new computer qualification.
For someone offering the service you do, you are relying upon your potential customers being computer literate and having the initiative to go searching around the internet.
Dianne Williams, CWT managing director, said: "Often, people say they are computer literate but there is no way of proving it or showing what standard you are capable of.

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