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1. (Theatre) a secondary role in opera or ballet
2. (Ballet) a secondary role in opera or ballet
3. (Theatre) an opera singer or ballet dancer performing a secondary role
4. (Ballet) an opera singer or ballet dancer performing a secondary role
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Plagio, the playwright, was well-sung by Stuart Graham, as was Torribio, a comprimario role performed by Edward Larocque.
Comprimario Anthony Laciura illuminates the perils of backstage and onstage for singers, drawing upon anecdotes from his own career to illustrate the importance of thorough preparation.
E impossibile non percepire questo movimento estremamente fluido: <<Non stupisca dunque il lettore se (...) l'uomo dei commenti (...) immerga codesto comprimario da avanspettacolo, nel lubrico calamaio della bocca, nel suo bavoso inchiostro, i gialli calami delle dita e con speciose interpunzioni di denti, dilati sul foglio una malsana, inquinata nota in calce>>.(39) E ancora: <<Tutto ho scritto intingendo la spennata penna dei mio ingegno nel mio negrissimo inchiostro interiore; cosi come gli uomini compilano i propri sogni, intingendosi, pennini di se medesimi, nel calamaio della notte>>.(40)
NAOMI MATTHEW: 1.50 Phare Isle, 2.20 Comprimario, 2.50 Erdeli, 3.20 Mont Present (nb), 3.50 Along The Nile, 4.20 Warpath, 4.50 Kells Belle, 5.20 Spirit D'Armor.
WORCESTER: 1.50 Phare Isle, 2.20 Comprimario, 2.50 Erdeli, 3.20 Mont Present, 3.50 Along The Nile, 4.20 Warpath, 4.50 Kells Belle, 5.20 Spirit D'Armor.
Comprimario did not enjoy the best of luck at Sandown last time but can gain compensation by returning to form at Fontwell.
Paul Castles THE MAIL'S RACING CORRESPONDENT Paul's Top Tips CARLISLE 2.30 Colour Clash 3.00 Logans Run 3.35 Ernst Blofeld 4.10 Wave Power 4.45 Our Jim 5.15 Empire Builder FONTWELL 2.10 Sophies Trophy 2.40 Prince Taime 3.10 Deep Waters 3.45 Kappelhoff 4.20 Comprimario (nap) 4.55 King Diamond 5.25 Kerasoun NEWTON ABBOT 2.20 Rayon Vert 2.50 Massini Sunset 3.25 Pull The Wool 4.00 Song Sung Blue 4.35 Royal Prodigy 5.05 Tres Bien Fulford's Fancies CARLISLE: 3.00 Greenbelt FONTWELL: 3.45 Killfinnan Castle NEWTON ABBOT: 4.00 Dancing Mist
TODAY'S SARABAND SELECTIONS FONTWELL: 12.40 Comprimario, 1.10 Ginolad, 1.40 Devito, 2.10 Space Cowboy, 2.40 Ballybach, 3.10 Its A Classic, 3.40 Minnie Hill.
SELECTIONS FONTWELL: 12.40 Comprimario, 1.10 Junior, 1.40 Devito, 2.10 Ballymorn, 2.40 Samurai Way, 3.10 Its A Classic, 3.40 Minnie Hill SEDGEFIELD: 12.50 Lets Go Girls, 1.20 Ballybriggan, 1.50 Samsbro, 2.20 Hector's House, 2.50 Sea Venture, 3.20 Genari SOUTHWELL: 12.00 Athwaab, 12.30 Marsam, 1.00 Canadian Danehill, 1.30 Venir Rouge, 2.00 Hit The Switch, 2.30 Mango Music, 3.00 Cool Sands, 3.30 Tag Team.