comparative method

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Related to comparative method: Constant comparative method

comparative method

Comparison of the linguistic features of two or more languages with the goal of establishing their descent from a common ancestor or reconstructing the features of the ancestral language.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Table 4 shows Comparative Method as the most frequently used techniques by the respondents (mean rating 3.81).
In a very impressive and thought provoking introduction, Biderman qualifies this statement by admitting that in adopting the comparative method he does not intend to cast himself into an apparent or hidden 'extra-cultural wasteland'.
Nonetheless, Durkheim hoped a theory would emerge from the comparative method. Sacrifice (Hubert and Mauss) and primitive forms of classification (Durkheim and Mauss) were key works.
I used the constant comparative method of data analysis and triangulation of data through member check.
This article uses data on Mayan applicative constructions to demonstrate the use of a comparative method for language acquisition research.
AMMAN (Star) The Royal Film Commission (RFC) announced this week the launch of its drama workshop that will be held between June 4-8, to offer basic training in acting for theatre and television, in addition to focusing on the two kinds of acting through a comparative method. RFC announced that the door is open for all emerging actors of all ages to take part in this workshop, and register their interest before May 25.
Much of this work explicitly or implicitly relies on the comparative method of analysis which Skocpol and Margaret Somers note are essentially of two forms: what they call the "Method of Agreement" between two societies where the outcome is the same, but most institutions were different, and the "Method of Difference" where all but one of the causal factors or institutions were the same in two societies, and their outcome was different.
Of interest to other disciplines, the author shows in numerous examples how the comparative method has created debates between those who focus on development and the "Third World," and those who focus on scientific, quantitative, and comparative methods.
In Waterfront Revolts, Colin Davis offers a more refined analysis of time (1946-61) and place (the great city ports of New York and London) than many earlier accounts, using the comparative method to identify the structural and cultural forces that lay behind the emergence of rank-and-file dockworker movements.
In addition, with each additional transcript coded, recurrent themes were noted, and quotations were grouped within these themes using the constant comparative method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967; Patton, 2002), until the point of theoretical saturation, or until no new themes emerged.
Grounded theory uses a constant comparative method of data analysis to seek patterns in the data for the purpose of developing substantive theory.
Multilayer feed-forward neural networks are used as a comparative method.

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