common eland

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Noun1.common eland - dark fawn-colored eland of southern and eastern Africacommon eland - dark fawn-colored eland of southern and eastern Africa
genus Taurotragus, Taurotragus - African antelopes: elands
eland - either of two large African antelopes of the genus Taurotragus having short spirally twisted horns in both sexes
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References in periodicals archive ?
van Zyl, "A note on the carcass composition of the Common Eland (Taurotragus oryx)," South African Journal of Animal Science, no.
The common eland prefers habitats with a wide variety of fl owering plants--savannah, woodlands, and open and montane grasslands, and avoids dense forests.
Buy a PS3 box of special food at the entrance and you can open your windows in the friendly zones to feed some of the animals by hand, such as the ticklish Blackbuck antelopes from India and Pakistan, or the dribbling Common Eland from East Africa.