Common bar

Also found in: Legal.
(Law) Same as Blank bar, under Blank.

See also: Common

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The Malaysian Bar today said it supports the implementation of the Common Bar Course (CBC) as the single entry point for all law graduates into the legal profession, replacing the current Certificate of Legal Practice (CLP).
The organization renders services to producer enterprises and individual entrepreneurs who use the common bar code standards for the numbering of traded products.
Food in the form of common bar snacks are now available at Avalon which saves those who would otherwise need to interrupt their attention from the stage to grab a bite to eat.
Thornton Hough Village Bar and Club, Thornton Common Bar. Tonight, 8pm.
Featuring full-color photography on virtually every page, Bar Stool Yoga: The Fun Way of Being Fit and Flexible at the Bar and Beyond lives up to its title as a guide to simple yoga poses and exercises one can perform on a common bar stool, whether at home or in an actual bar.
Started a brawl in the House of Common bar and wrestled with two cops.
"We have zero in common bar the fact that we both play golf," he told the Guardian.