References in classic literature ?
"Oh, well, if you feel like that about it I wonder you condescend to come out with me at all."
The old count, knowing his son's ardor in the hunt, hurried so as not to be late, and the hunstmen had not yet reached their places when Count Ilya Rostov, cheerful, flushed, and with quivering cheeks, drove up with his black horses over the winter rye to the place reserved for him, where a wolf might come out. Having straightened his coat and fastened on his hunting knives and horn, he mounted his good, sleek, well-fed, and comfortable horse, Viflyanka, which was turning gray, like himself.
If you've got a family tree let's see a few historical O'Sullivan buds come out on it.
"In that case I shall come out to-morrow and talk it over with you.
The news contrasts to the recentlyrevealed rat leagues, which saw the relatively affluent areas of West Kirby, Upton and Higher Bebington come out in the top three - but they rank far lower when it comes to mice.
But even though I'm a 30-minute car ride from New York City, I was the first person in my high school to come out publicly.
SINGER Cher and her lesbian daughter Chastity Bono are to co-host a new reality television show aimed at helping people to come out of the closet, according to reports in the US.
Similarly, in the world of entertainment and pop culture it became more difficult during the year to stay in the closet than to just come out.