colour guard

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colour guard


color guard

(Military) a military guard in a parade, ceremony, etc, that carries and escorts the flag or regimental colours
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The colour guard renders honours when the national anthem is being played when passing in review during a parade, the unit and formation flags salute by dipping or leaning the flag forward.
The simple ceremony featured the local MP and the mayor of Quinte West, as well as a colour guard from the Royal Canadian Legion in Frankford.
The Minister joined Ziadeh in overseeing the dual US Marine Corps-Qatar Leadership Academy colour guard ceremony and the official cutting of an American flag-inspired cake.
The jockey teams up with top trainer Mark Johnston on Colour Guard (4.05) in the feature Polyflor Handicap and Danube River (4.35).
But there's more to the band than just "playing a few tunes", said Mr Dallison, whose eldest daughter Isobel is in the band's colour guard section.
COLOUR Guard was just edged out of it at Lingfield last week but he can gain redemption in the 32Red Handicap at Kempton.
COLOUR GUARD takes a step into the unknown but is worth a shout in the Breathe Spa At Lingfield Marriott Handicap.
NAOMI MATTHEW: 2.00 The Winged Assassin, 2.30 Vena Amoris, 3.00 Captain Dimitrios, 3.35 Maria Montez, 4.10 Kylladdie, 4.45 Colour Guard (nap), 5.20 Prohibition.
COLOUR Guard takes a step into the unknown, but is worth a shout in the Breathe Spa At Lingfield Marriott Handicap.
"I had the particular honour of being the colour guard when we marched through Coventry for the last time before decommissioning.