colored beach

colored beach

That portion of usable coastline sufficient for the assault landing of a regimental landing team or similar sized unit. In the event that the landing force consists of a single battalion landing team, a colored beach will be used and no further subdivision of the beach is required. See also numbered beach.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Exactly one week after "getting back to normal," my students tested their fountain designs, floating brightly colored beach balls on arcing streams of water, endeavoring to hit target buckets placed on a five-meter radius.
And while the final game of tossing the sun and the moon and all the planets (giant colored beach balls, all) into the audience serves to restore the playful mood, Slava has made his point about the awesome power of the clowns that rule the heavens.
It will also repeat a summer campaign for its brightly colored beach brush, a collapsible folding brush with a mirror in the handle.