Colony counter

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Col´o`ny count`er

    (kǒl´ô`nŷ kount´ẽr)
n.1.(Microbiology) an instrument designed to conveniently count or assist counting colonies{9} of microorganisms on a plate containing a gelled growth medium. One variety uses a pencil-like rod with a metal tip, which is connected by an electrical connection to the gelled growth medium; when touched to a colony{9} on the plate, the completion of the electrical circuit causes an increment of 1 unit on the readout of the colony counter.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
A colony counter was used to measure colony forming units (CFU) after 24 hours of incubation.
After 24-48 hours of incubation the plates were observed for typical colonies of each microorganism and colonies were counted with the help of colony counter. The results were recorded as CFU/g.
"Microbiologists have always wanted a colony counter that combines throughput and automatic colony ID," commented Kate George, Divisional Manager at Synbiosis, "but because at Synbiosis we are willing to go that extra mile with colony imaging, we have made this challenging task a reality.
Its state-of-the-art instrumentation is comparable to that at other major research institutions and includes a confocal microscope, real-time PCR (Vii7), FACS, a scanning electron microscope, DNA sequencer, automated DNA extractor, colony counter, gel documentation system, Bioplex, FT-IR and a zetasizer.
The number of colonies formed were observed & counted with the help of a colony counter. Then the colony forming units (CFU) was calculated.
After incubation, colonies were recorded with the help of colony counter and result was expressed as colony forming units (CFUs/ml) as:
The plates were incubated for 48 h at 37[degrees]C and the revertant colonies were counted using a colony counter. Experiments were done in triplicate and repeated 3 times and average of nine plates were statistically analyzed using student 't' test.
smegmatis density, we prepared dilution plates using the pour-plate technique, and we used a Quebec colony counter (Fisher Scientific, Atlanta, GA) for viewing and counting the isolated colonies.
Following the microbiology theme, there were a large number of colony counter systems on display with two supporting fairly unique designs.