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of or relating to colonialism
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And, and, and my lesson learned from being from a colony, colonialistic, uh, uh, society is do no harm.
These twelve essays help us negotiate the sometimes stormy waters of colonialistic and post-colonialistic communications in a well-maintained series.
"If back in the 1930s or '40s the French objected to portraying the Foreign Legion as being overly harsh on Africans, or the British were unhappy that they were being shown as too colonialistic, then Hollywood would make the edits it needed to market its product," he said.
In one department, a professor refers to his colleagues' theoretical orientation as "a dead letter." The colleague later labels her attacker "a gadfly who subscribes to colonialistic and patriarchal research practices." Perhaps things simply get out of hand when proud, accomplished individuals confuse agonistic and adversarial performances of intellect, or different disciplinary values and points of view, with imputations of personal inadequacy.
Wolfe reports that this play, especially the obsessive tanning, is often read as part of the return-to-Africa plot of The Garden of Eden, a kind of colonialistic "going native." While Toni Morrison argues that Hemingway understands Africa as a "blank, empty space" open for conquest (88-89).
This was based on a neo-financial colonialistic chauvinism, which of course has proven to be highly fallible and damaging not only to these countries but to global financial system.
The current western trafficking discourse and related policies that reinforce colonialistic and imperialist global inequalities and power relations need to be deconstructed and challenged in order to work toward social justice and change.
For the sake of argument, we could limit this hypothesis to monotheism where a god, wrathful or benevolent, omnipotent or demanding of sacrifice, needs human beings as his "Others." Even though Christian theology claims that this god became the Other in order to save them, the political interpretation of Christian America's Capitalistic, Colonialistic Imperialism is more akin to the reasoning of the Indian fighter who claims he became an Indian in order to kill him.
Crusade against these feudalistic norms that enslave us Collusion between entrepreneurs and officials Colonialistic patterns brought again to life Exploiting the people for their own profit Only a few million poor left?
"The colonialistic relationship will not bring about change.