coliform bacteria

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coliform bacteria

pl n
(Microbiology) a large group of bacteria inhabiting the intestinal tract of humans and animals that may cause disease and whose presence in water is an indicator of faecal pollution
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Delima said the septage project also aims to "lower down the contamination of rivers with coliform bacteria that comes from human and animal wastes that end up in the sea."
The overall goal of the project is to reduce the fecal coliform bacteria pollution and other pollution associated with sewage in Oyster Bay.
However, the research by bathroom company Drench found that almost all used towels contained coliform bacteria, a form of faecal bacteria, AKA poo.
However, the research by bathroom companyDrenchfound that almost all used towels contained coliform bacteria, a form of faecal bacteria, AKA poo.
The area, which was at Boracay's Station 1, was previously closed for 48 hours in anticipation of the coliform bacteria level test.
coli) and other coliform bacteria, which are characteristic of water contaminated with faecal matter, raising fears of a potential cholera outbreak, which Nairobi county confirmed last Friday afternoon.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources earlier banned Manila residents and visitors of Manila Bay from swimming due to the coliform bacteria in the water.
For evaluation of Coliform bacteria, samples were inoculated into tubes of Lactose broth (LB) for presumptive test.
But direct discharge of untreated wastewater contaminated surrounding waters to the point that the island experienced algal bloom, a sign of the presence of high levels of coliform bacteria in the water.
class="MsoNormalThe presence of coliform bacteria in drinking water suggests the possible presence of pathogenic microorganisms that make it unsafe for drinking.
Of the 49 samples which were positive for bacterial growth, 36.7% grew coliform bacteria, a group which includes E.