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(in Britain) abbreviation for
(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Central Office of Information
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Ce mandat renouvele de la COI, selon une source au ministere mauricien des Affaires etrangeres, doit couvrir, entre autres, les questions relatives a la paix et la securite, a la defense des interets insulaires, a l'economie bleue, au changement climatique, a la securite alimentaire et sanitaire, a la securite maritime, a la protection civile, a la cooperation scientifique, academique et culturelle, et a la circulation des personnes dans l'espace de la COI, notamment par la connectivite aerienne, maritime et numerique pour le rapprochement des peuples.
'We again welcome the OHCHR's recommendation for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) to investigate the gross and systematic human rights violations in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir,' the FO said in its reaction to the OHCHR report, whose launch coincided with the third martyrdom anniversary of Kashmiri leader Burhan Wani.
David Roche, who served as executive director of Portland, Oregon-based COI for over six years, is moving into the newly created role of international programs director.
HOMEF, in a statement signed by Philip Jakpor, Head, Media and Campaigns, Environmental Rights Action, and made available to Ecoscope, observed that African negotiating block spoke strongly in support of the COI policy in the climate negotiations last year, and now openly opposes the same recommendation.
COI is a multi-access architecture encompassing copper, fiber and wireless at gigabit speed, and is applicable to any carrier that has a fixed or wireless network, including cable, wireline and mobile operators.
Here are five tips from the COI report that all organizations can implement immediately:
"The report issued today by the United Nations Commission of Inquiry on the 2018 protests is a scathing indictment of the Israeli government on all fronts," he said, adding that "Adalah welcomes the COI's adoption of the analysis that we and other human rights organizations provided and its rejection of the Israeli Supreme Court's decision which allowed the continued use of lethal force against Palestinian civilian protesters in Gaza."
Brutiful Birmingham, a campaign group which aims to preserve the city's 20th century architecture, applied during the summer for The Square to be listed but this was countered a few weeks later by Hammerson which lodged the application for a CoI.
Condemning the killings of 10 Kashmiris at the hands of government forces in south Kashmir's Pulwama district, he called on the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner to order a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into Kashmiri killings.
Earlier, the CoI had found Major Gogoi guilty in the Srinagar hotel altercation case and came to a conclusion that the facts on the ground are against him, and sought disciplinary action against Major Gogoi.
Disclosure is an important first step towards identifying, assessing and responding to COIs. (6) We are not aware of any previous studies have assessed authors' COI disclosures in systematic reviews of health policy and systems research (HPSR).