

a.1.Having the power of knowing.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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And this specifies faith, the way any cognoscitive habit has its species from the reason [ratione] by which it assents to anything.
[Mini-mental Cognoscitive Exam--Spanish adaptation] Madrid, Spain: Tea Ediciones SA.
It is hardly surprising to find hybrid traits in the planning of most formative offers in Europe if we take into account the complexity of educational policy, in which cognoscitive, practical and evaluative elements interact, including some deconstructionist traits that try to reread and even deny the foundations of culture.
Contrary to the passive, disinterested, contemplative and aesthetic attitude, vis-a-vis irrational phenomena, there is the active, systematic, organizing, cognoscitive attitude, when the same phenomena are considered to be associative, partial, and significant events in the true domain of our immediate and practical life experience.
Communication relies on shared cognoscitive powers, succeeding insofar as shared mental constructs, background, concerns, presuppositions, and so on, allow for common perspectives to be (more or less) attained."(9)
In HH multiple physiological processes are affected, for example breath, circulation, intermediary and specific metabolism, and cognoscitive capacity (Guyton & Hall).