Coffee pot

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Coffee pot

In the early 1900s, before the proliferation of coffee making machines, there was only one basic design of pots for brewing coffee. It differed from teapot design in that the pouring spout was at the top of the pot since, unlike tea leaves, coffee grounds tend to sink to the bottom of the pot.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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Baroness, some coffee for him out of the new coffee pot. Why, we didn't expect you!
Well, then, I'll make you some coffee, so go and wash and get ready," said the baroness, sitting down again, and anxiously turning the screw in the new coffee pot. "Pierre, give me the coffee," she said, addressing Petritsky, whom she called as a contraction of his surname, making no secret of her relations with him.
He added charcoal and a fisherman's brazier, a coffee pot and frying pan, and the coffee and the meat, and a black bass fresh from the water that day.
The coffee pot was scalding, the coffee was measured out in a bowl, and broken eggshells for the settling process were standing near.
No one could resist her persuasive nods, or the fragrant invitation issuing from the nose of the coffee pot. They drew up to the table, exchanged their handkerchiefs for napkins, and in ten minutes were all right again.
Larry Lotz murdered his wife as part of a "tantrum" over a coffee pot, prosecutors argued during closing arguments Wednesday, while defense attorneys said the 2016 killing was brought on by a dissociative episode.
Stirling North Parish Church Today (Wednesday) from 10am-noon is Coffee Pot Cafe.
A fine George III neo classical style coffee pot by Hester Bateman (London 1780, 29ozs)
One is a staid but essential coffee pot and the other a party essential - a disco ball, pictured left.
Her morning fare looks to include grapefruit and toast and all served on the finest china - and just look at the shine on that cruet set and coffee pot.