coffee bag

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coffee bag

(Cookery) a small bag containing ground coffee beans, infused to make coffee
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Jeanne and Paul Day, of Shrewsbury-based The Real Coffee Bag Company, is hoping to recruit about 10 new staff.
Dazzo and Seebaur also donate $1 from each coffee bag sold to veterans groups.
"They found the hashish in my car in a coffee bag."
She will also offer team-building events, fund-raising opportunities and private-label coffee bag options.
Fluctuation of the price of coffee bag and the gradual increase in the costs of chemical inputs are factors which have caused loss of profitability in coffee production in the recent years.
If you don't have an air-tight container, you could always roll up the coffee bag, squeezing out any air, and use a snap clip to seal it.
Donations can be made at the outdoor public access collection point at the Cheviot Centre on Padgepool Place, which is available 24 hours a day, for details visit coffee-packaging-brigade.html If you are a local coffee shop owner, email and see if a volunteer can pick up your coffee bag waste.
He put it in an empty coffee bag and hid it under the table so his mom wouldn't find it.
However our enviro-friendly coffee bag can be organically recycled (composted), which means it breaks down in a home compost bin."
Cleo Coyle's A BREW TO KILL (9780425247877, $25.95) provides the eleventh book in the Coffeehouse Mystery series and tells of a coffee bag full of contraband found after a fatal hit-and-run that could reveal clues to the killer.
Arla Cafemet Mochalatte (290ml), 39p Smelt of stale coffee and chemicals and tasted like milk skimmed over with a coffee bag. You'd be better off making your own.
Each Baby Blend order comes in its own custom-designed coffee bag, too, inspired by Leaphart's much-needed daily cup.