coefficient of variation

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coefficient of variation

(Statistics) statistics a measure of the relative variation of distribution independent of the units of measurement; the standard deviation divided by the mean, sometimes expressed as a percentage
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Phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation, heritability and genetic advance (as% of mean) among Kalanamak advanced lines of rice for quality traits
Another important parameter in localized irrigation is the coefficient of variation (CV), proposed by Keller & Bliesner (1990) and presented in Equation 03.
From the practical point of view, the coefficient of variation of the spray bar is more important than the volume of liquid deposited since different volumes can have equal coefficient of variation.
At the sample Sissone jump on the beam trial, at the initial test, the experiment group obtained an average of 170.8 [+ or -] 13.15[degrees] with a coefficient of variation of 5.73%, while the control group obtained an average of 139 [+ or -] 14.82[degrees], with a coefficient of variation of 8.48%.
However, the coefficient of variation decreases from 34.95% to 18.37% (Fig.
As such, the results presented in Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4 show that the coefficient of variation decreases with more Q-Graders and/or R-Graders in sensory analysis.
Genetic variation evaluation that provides information on parameters like genotypic coefficient of variation, phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability estimates, and genetic advance is absolutely necessary to start an efficient breeding program (Atta et al.) [15].
The average value of inline wetted depth is 23.38 cm with standard deviation of 1.75 cm and the coefficient of variation was 7.5 % while the average value of online wetted depth is 23.84 cm with standard deviation of 1.79 cm and the coefficient of variation was 7.49 %.
[1] Nonstandard abbreviations: CKD, chronic kidney disease; cTnI, cardiac troponin I; CVA, analytical coefficient of variation; [CV.sub.G], between-person coefficient of variation; [CV.sub.I], within-person coefficient of variation; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.
The statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and T-test were used for drawing inferences.
In addition, the mean value of In A and the coefficient of variation (CV) have been determined corresponding to an amount of 5 g of rubber compound.
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