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 (kŏd′ĭ-fī′, kō′də-)
tr.v. cod·i·fied, cod·i·fy·ing, cod·i·fies
1. To organize or arrange systematically, especially in writing: "Arguments for the existence of God have been codified for centuries by theologians" (Richard Dawkins).
2. To establish or express in a conventional form or standard formulation: "The unification of motion and rest ... was proposed by Galileo and codified in Newton's first law of motion" (Lee Smolin).
3. To turn (a common law requirement or practice) into law.

cod′i·fi·ca′tion (-fĭ-kā′shən) n.
cod′i·fi′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Because it is in effect the trope codifier and it has been around for so long, parts of 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' felt either derivative or predictable.
Plus precisement, elle retrace les origines nord-americaines des systemes d'arbitrage des griefs, esquisse le developpement des politiques du personnel dans l'industrie electrique, passe en revue les difficultes rencontrees par le district canadien de l'UE pour etablir des relations contractuelles et codifier les droits du travail dans ees deux entreprises, reconstruit les elements de l'approche de l'UE a l'execution des contrats et examine un certain nombre d'arrets de travail a mi-contrat chez CGE et Westinghouse entre 1946 et 1966 pour determiner comment le syndicat, les travailleurs, les employeurs et les arbitres ont negocie l'interdiction des greves de grief a mesure qu'elles s'adaptaient a la nouvelle legislation et au nouveau libelle de la convention collective.
It started when Gascaronpar Fejeacuterpataky Belopotockyacute, Slovak writer and publisher, climbed it in 1835, then #317udoviacutet Scarontuacuter, Slovak language codifier in 1841.
They then left the task of interpreting to a particular kind of intermediary--the codifier. These codifiers (kodifikatory) thus played a crucial role in lawmaking.
8 June 2018 - Florida, US-based legal codifier Municode has acquired Utah, US-based software development company Municipal Code Online, the company said.
Le projet de loi organique vient en codifier la mise en oeuvre.
This Comment theorizes that provisions that guide interpreters' reading of codification information embody a "codifier's canon": an interpretive principle that judges should heed caption and placement in the Code where they reflect the choices of Congress, but not where they are introduced by nonlegislative codifiers.
Pourquoi cette augmentation surrealiste des prix de scolarisation, cette abondance abusive des affaires scolaires, ne sont-elles pas passes sous le peigne du departement de tutelle pour en standardiser et codifier le marche.
Characteristically, medieval man was not a dreamer nor a spiritual adventurer; he was an organizer, a codifier, a man of system.