club deal

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club deal

commerce a takeover bid in which several private-equity companies form a syndicate to acquire a target company
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Shearer's response to the record club deal - something he broke (and the world record) back in 1996 for a lowly PS15million - was short but sweet as he told Joelinton: "Welcome and good luck in the black and white shirt."
Shearer's response to the record club deal - something he broke (and the world record) back in 1996 for a lowly [pounds sterling]15 million - was short but sweet as he told Joelinton: "Welcome and good luck in the Black and White shirt."
"I am just waiting on that, I'm happy with it and am letting my agent and the club deal with it and hopefully it happens soon," he said.
Despite coming to within a whisker of joining Leeds United in January, James has already publicly indicated his willingness to extend his stay in South Wales,stating earlier this month: "I am just waiting on that, I'm happy with it and am letting my agent and the club deal with it and hopefully it happens soon.
Further, the bank said that it was the administrative agent for the facility that was structured as a club deal with BLX together with Banco General and Grupo Promerica acting as the joint lead arrangers as well.
The loan was structured as a club deal between Bladex and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Argentina), S.A.
But in the wake of his new and improved club deal, the FAI has yet to hear from the teenage star.
The project financing was arranged as a club deal by FAB and ADCB.
The term loan has been arranged as a club deal with three of UAE's leading banks including Standard Chartered Bank, Emirates NBD, Emirates Capital and Mashreq bank.
Talking to media after attending Senate Standing Committee on Railways meeting at PR Headquarters here on Monday, he said it was unfortunate the former PR administration also supported the Royal Palm Club deal in the Supreme Court.
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