clothes prop

clothes prop

a long wooden pole with a forked end, used to raise a line of washing to enable it to catch the breeze
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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When police arrived, they knocked down 15 walls in the lane using a wooden clothes prop.
I think his dad meant well, but it was hard to tell as the bloke was independently radgie anyway, having once chased away some skinheeds from outside his house clad only in some orange Y-fronts and yielding a clothes prop like a gladiator's trident .
In our household I remember making a flag pole out of mother's clothes prop.
``I had to get a clothes prop and measured that then put it against the sunflower and it was 11ft 2 in tall.''
SICK thugs who battered a dog to death with an axe, garden rake, spade and a clothes prop have been jailed.
Jacobs, of Nursery Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, and Bytheway, of Buxton Close, Little Bloxwich, consumed three litres of cider and four cans of strong lager between them before setting about the dog with an axe, a garden rake, a spade and a clothes prop.
B) Pole-vaulting over the perimeter fence on a clothes prop.
One neighbour, who used a clothes prop to search the water, allowed emergency services to use their house during the rescue bid.
"There was a tap on the upstairs window and a clothes prop appeared with half a turnip stuck on the end.
Jacobs,of Nursery Road, Bloxwich, Walsall, and Bytheway,of Buxton Close, Little Bloxwich, consumed three litres of cider and four cans of strong lager between them before setting about the dog with an axe, a garden rake, a spade and a clothes prop.
They finally killed it by ramming a clothes prop down its throat.