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[ˌkləʊsˌhɑːmənɪ] CPD close-harmony singing Ncanto m en estrecha armonía
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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At the other end of the topsy-turvy, moral meritocracy of 1954 America, Baldwin is the king of the squares and leads his close-harmony pals against the juvenile delinquents, who are ultimately arrested for arson, sending the drapes all off to prison.
The Maytals' close-harmony gospel singing ensured instant success for the 1964 release, rivalling the success of Dodd's other up-and-coming trio, The Wailers.
A memorable moment involves the group spontaneously performing a rendition of My Favourite Things from the The Sound of Music followed by a close-harmony version of Pretty Vacant by the Sex Pistols.
Nota Bella, conducted by Garry Jones and accompanied by Head of Music, Richard Marr, is a non-auditioned, close-harmony group involving fifty students from all year groups.
They blazed a trail in the early days not only for the close-harmony groups but also for the short, sharp pop songs that hit you in the guts.
Drawing from folk and popular songs, they generated a style of singing distinguished by its unaccompanied, four-part, close-harmony structure.
The Magnets' innovative close-harmony arrangements offer a brand new take on songs by artists ranging from Beyonc through Kraftwerk to the Buzzcocks - and all without a single musical instrument.
Combing raucous wit and spellbinding close-harmony singing, Richard Cameron's celebrated hit is as insightful and poignant as it is hilarious.
The Classical Brit Award-winners have said they are moving away from their 'popera' roots towards a more "contemporary vibe", inspired by legendary American close-harmony acts like Boyz 2 Men and The Beach Boys.
There is also the playing of his original acoustic band, Tom Herbert the unsung hero at the back, but Mark Lockheart and Pete Wareham the clear winners at the front, their close-harmony melodies achieving the impression of a single instrument, before they shoot off in improvisations which highlight their contrasting musical characters.