Clement Attlee

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Related to Clement Attlee: Harold Macmillan, Anthony Eden
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Noun1.Clement Attlee - British statesman and leader of the Labour Party who instituted the welfare state in Britain (1883-1967)
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References in periodicals archive ?
The release of government records in the Seventies and Eighties revealed Clement Attlee to be the most effective conductor of public business to hold the premiership in this country.
1945: Clement Attlee's Labour post-war government came to power with a huge majority.
Set in the post-war era as Clement Attlee's Labour government is coming to power, the story revolves around the young and ambitious civil servant Feef Symonds, played by Appleton, recruited as a US spy to root out communist agents embedded in the government.
1804: London's Drury Lane Theatre burns to the ground 1868: US President Andrew Johnson is impeached 1923: The Flying Scotsman goes into service 1924: Mahatma Gandhi is released from jail 1946: General Juan Peron is first elected President of Argentina 1950: Labour wins the General Election, with Clement Attlee returning as Prime Minister - but with a massively reduced majority of 13 1965: The Beatles begin filming Help!
Which political party did Clement Attlee represent on becoming British prime minister in 1945?
When Clement Attlee was deputy to Winston Churchill during the Second World War he was just as exercised about what happened after the war as he was about winning it.
1883: Clement Attlee, Labour Party leader and prime minister from 1945-51, was born.
In 1945 the newly elected Labour Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, announced that he would introduce the welfare state as outlined in the Beveridge report.
1945: Clement Attlee's Labour post-war |government came to power with a huge majority.
The record of Clement Attlee and his government remains unsurpassed as social revolution brought about change which included nationalisation of utilities and bankrupt industry, near full employment, and the founding of the NHS which brought quality free health care to the whole population.
The coal industry' The coal industry' was nationalised was nationalised by Clement Attlee's by Clement Attlee's post-war Labour post-war Labour government, government, leading to major leading to major improvements in improvements in conditions.