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denoting a style of plucking the strings of a banjo in which the hand forms a clawlike shape
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.clawhammer - a hammer with a cleft at one end for pulling nailsclawhammer - a hammer with a cleft at one end for pulling nails
hammer - a hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking
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References in periodicals archive ?
The other members of the group are Canadian Allison de Groot on clawhammer banjo, who combines wide ranging virtuosity with a passion for old-time music.
Stern, a clawhammer banjo player and writer, draws on interviews, correspondence, newspaper articles, recollections, and personal papers to provide a biography of banjo player Tommy Thompson (1937-2003), focusing on his creative path and what pushed him to experiment with lyric writing, song composition, acting, and playwriting.
The current menagerie includes Celtic harp, mandocello, mandolin, guitars, clawhammer banjo, and National steel ukulele, plus a bit of kazoo, harmonica, and shakers.
Evans moves back and forth between clawhammer and Scruggs-style banjo, while mandolinist Adrian Gross has the speed and aggression of Big Mon himself in his playing.
Hartman's talents as a guitarist, Ashton's gift for the clawhammer banjo, and the vocal harmony of both distinguish this collaborative album of new American roots music.
Isaacs claimed he wanted money for food but when his offer of cheap building work was turned down, he angrily pursued Lt Cdr Booth through his Gipsy Lane home, hitting him again and again with a shiny, new clawhammer. He continued to strike the greatgrandfather after he had collapsed to the floor under the force of the blows.
He admitted breaking into a home and attacking a ma du N man with a clawhammer during a burglary last November.
Cory focuses on fingerstyle guitar, clawhammer banjo, voice, harmonica, and an array of other instruments in his four piece band.
Washburn plays the clawhammer banjo, performing and recording as a soloist and with the bands Uncle Earl, Sparrow Quartet, and The Wu Force.
ROBBERS wearing balaclavas threatened shop workers with a clawhammer and pistol before stealing around PS3,000.
Alistair Anderson (English concertina) and Dan Walsh (clawhammer banjo, vocals, guitar) may, on the face of it, appear to be unlikely collaborators.
Verch "tours with world-class musicians as a trio, featuring acoustic guitar, mandolin, bass and clawhammer banjo in addition to Verch's vocals, fiddle and foot percussion".